Writing Prompts & Meditations

WRITING PROMPTS: To help in some small way with the COVID19 crisis, Padma Venkatraman has been posting weekly writing prompts (targeted at school students, but that older writers can also use, because really, anyone can benefit from a dose of laughter, right?).

Here are the first few below. What’s in a name? writing prompt.

Sense of Place writing prompt.

Flower Power Poetry Writing Prompt

Six feet – poetry writing prompt

THE BRIDGE HOME as well as Jacqueline Woodson’s PEACE, LOCOMOTION, and Nancy Werlin’s RULES OF SURVIVAL, are written in second person direct address. It’s hard to do, but why not try writing a short story or poem in second person?

Try writing what Padma Venkatraman calls a “mirror poem” – as explained, with examples, in this post on Dr. Sarah J Donovan’s blog.

Listen to Padma Venkatraman read a poem from the THANK U anthology and the first chapter of her multiple award-winning novel THE BRIDGE HOME as part of an online reading series sponsored by the Virginia Children’s Book Festival.


Padma Venkatraman is a direct disciple of Shri Krishnamacharya, from whom she began learning yoga at the age of seven. In addition she has also been meditating for several years. She doesn’t believe in sharing yoga on the internet, but she does hope to help reach out with some meditation exercises.

So, quite soon, there should be a new element to this page: motivational meditations that inspire writers and keep them going through the ups and downs of the writing life.

Thanks, stay safe and stay well.